This download contains a modification of the Zibo Mod 737-800 airliner, in-as I have removed the 3D flight deck and exterior aircraft with the exception of a few items to allow for the use of better pushback.
This was done to allow those of use that use actual hardware for the flight deck, an opportuntiy to use the 3-D rain effect found within the interior view.
Network Users: If you use a seperate server computer that does not run your center exterior display, you'll need a LUA script to run the 3D wipers. I did not create the script I have so I cannot give it out. I'm sure someone with LUA knowledge can create one that can be shared.
NOTE: These edits have been tested using three 75" Samsung UHDTV's @ 45* angles, the view only looks correct from the center camera angle. This edit (although not tested by me personally) more than likely will not look right on a projection type setup with a cylindrical display, the reason being the screen is curved and too far away from the glaresheild.
"Use these edits at your own risk"
Latest Update 4.04.3: Adjusted the b738.acf file to match the latest Zibo Mod update "4.04.3" release, with the exception of objects.
Hope you find this edit useful
A youtube view of what this edit does:
Great work, great effect.
SwannSim 8 month(s) ago
Thanks, the way Zibo updates it's almost like a job now. hahahah
Absolutely stunning. Great work for a whole new level of immersion in our homecockpits. Works flawkesly!!
SwannSim 1 year(s) ago
Thank you, glad you find the edits useful.
Well Done, great Work, but please put the Versionnr. into the Zip file Name. THX for sharing the Software.
SwannSim 1 year(s) ago
I have the Zibo mod version number in the description, it also shows the 3D rain effect version number. This is done because the 3D rain effect may not need an update every time Zibo releases an aircraft update.
Also, if I put the version number in the filename, people would have to download the file just to see if they have the correct version since all one sees is the download button with my version number being shown.
Much better than looking at the star wars rain, thanks.